Thursday, September 29, 2016

Bag Baru

Today I'm finally taking out my brand new baby the LV Pochette Metis. Looking in my closet most of my bags are huge! I tend to gravitate towards big bags because I love to just chuck everything inside plus I'm tall so smaller bags would just disappear on me. But this one is such a good size and it fits so much! Plus point = adjustable cross body strap which is removable so it can double as a clutch too. LOVING IT! 

Classic monogram done right.

Blondie in the City | Chambray Button Up with Dark Denim Jeans from @anglclothing | Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis 
(pic source:

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Appom adventures

Made plans to see my HKL girls for tea yesterday, and we finally got to try the new appom place on Jalan Pudu (of all places!). I usually get my appom fix from the Indian aunty behind TMC and she makes them the, but Hoppers apparently makes them fusion style and includes SAVOURY options and I'm definitely down for anything savoury. Came for the new special: BUTTER PRAWNS! But it was late in the day and it was already sold out.

I picked from the girls' plain with coconut milk, rendang ayam, gula melaka and horlicks ones before actually ordering mine lol. That's what friends are for eh, sharing food! How else would we have managed to eat 15 appoms in one seating? ;D

The savoury crab one was reeeeally nice and refreshing - with a squirt of lemon and that beetroot dressing, plus an additional runny egg por mi, PERFECTION! The sweet mango one was a miss - edible flowers were a tinge bitter and the mangoes could have been just a tad riper (is that even a word?) (plus i'm spoilt by my Harum Manis mangoes, I can't take any other kind lol). But they serve with a dash of sugar and coconut milk so all in all it was not too bad, but could have been better. These two appoms with a coconut drink cost RM31 which is a bit on the higher end but still not too bad for a novelty meal such as this.

So we'll definitely come again to try out newer varieties once available sebab sedap! And parking is easy too - paid open parking just a few doors down so you don't have to park on the sidewalks of busy Jalan Pudu.. takut bas langgar!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Sun, Sea, Sand

Excited to be planning a short weekend escapade for le hubs and I next month. Traveling is my one true love (ok i lie i have many but this ranks pretty much way up there) but we're always short of time or finances (mostly the latter) so once in a while it's nice to treat yourself after all that hard work all year.

I've never been to Sabah before so what better way to pop my cherry than YTL's Gaya Island Resort? Well deserved quiet weekend for two, coming right up! How lucky are we to be living in this era of information where everything is just a click away? I for one REALLY appreciate it when bloggers review things (especially when its unsponsored slash unbiased), it feels like you're actually there and you know what to expect already. Be it for travel, food, make up, beauty products... I LOVE READING REVIEWS ONLINE! So keep up the good work guys!

Based on my extensive research (ie minimal to none coz i'm lazy like that) i already know which massage to book, which attractions are free and which ones i have to book in advance (sunset cruise!), times for boat transfers etc... Who needs a travel agent anymore these days. Maybe if i'm rajin i might post up my own review too. Mostly likely tak rajin la *looks at last entry date grudgingly* But you neverrrr knowwwwww... ;)