Monday, December 25, 2017

2017 in a nutshell

More than a year since my last post, and 2017 is already coming to an end. What an amazing year it has been - nothing major or spectacular but for me as long as my family is in good health and we get to spend quality time together as a unit, that's as eventful as it gets!

Started the year off right, spent an amazing New Year's eve celebration in our favourite place in the whole wide world, Switzerland. Skiing in Villars & Diablaret then back in Geneve with pitstops in Lausanne and Montreux, then to London again before flying back.

Summer of 2017 we took a family trip down under to Melbourne and Sydney - a totally spur of the moment decision thing but wonderful as always. Beautiful erratic winter in Melbourne, as always, and crisp and cool Sydney. The trip coincided with my 32nd birthday (promise this was unplanned... or was it?) which we celebrated at Matt Moran's Aria (food was top notch, please do try if you have the chance).

Celebrations were cut short unfortunately with the passing of my beloved FIL - he had been suffering with Stage 4 lung cancer since December 2015 and succumbed to the disease just short of commencing radiotherapy treatment at IKN in Putrajaya. Innalillahiwainnaillahirajiun.

Now as 2017 is drawing its curtains, I go on a different kind of journey altogether. Will probably sit and write about it, likely in a year's time as it looks like this blogging thing has become an annual affair LOL. Hoping and praying for Allah's blessings and that He grant all of us our deepest and sincerest wishes, for He is the best of planners.

Lets bring on 2018 with a bang!

PS: Promised myself no weight loss resolutions this year coz, lets face it, they've never stuck! ;P