Monday, May 28, 2012

The state of my bank balance is atrocious! I mean.. I barely spend lavishly but i have nothing to put aside at the end of every month. I'm lucky not to be in debt most of the time. And I admit, i usually fall prey to the "pay minimum amount" option on my credit card statement. This is ridonkulous! A person would think a degree holder with a somewhat stable job like mine would be able to afford these so called luxuries in life but NOPE, all lies. You know when you were small your mom used to tell you that if you study hard and if you do well in exams, you'll be rich and famous? Not the whole story. She didn't tell you that you'd be well into your mid life and with no time to spend it all by the time that actually happens. In the mean time, you have to tuck yourself in and get comfortable living below the poverty line.

Life sucks. Deal with it!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Long Beach

Had another impromptu trip to the beach; Gathered 10 of us and lugged our asses across the Karak highway and then across the sea to get to Perhentian Kecil. So random but usually the most random trips turn out to be the best kind! The weather was super duper sunny in the afternoon, albeit a bit wet at night but it didn't dampen our spirits lol! Sunbathed, swam in the sea, snorkelled with sharks and tortoises and drank our sorrows away.

Perhentian Kecil is lovely!


LOLOLOLOLLLL medical 9gag joke. LOVES IT!