Thursday, March 15, 2012


Kinda late but i'm finally a proud owner of a gorrrgeoussssss turqoise blue arty ring :) Obviously having one is not enough! NOT ENOUGH (like cyrus in Gossip Girl haha)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Le sigh..

Things are really complicated at this age when it comes to men and relationships. When we were younger, everything was so much easier. One could just go with the flow, take things as they come without a care in the world. Now there's the additional pressure of time (tick tock!) because age catches up and relatives and friends start asking the inevitable question to couples who are unmarried, let alone us single ones.

"There must be something wrong with them that they can't find anyone. What else could it be!"


But it's not just about finding someone, anyone, anymore. You meet people, yes there's the physical attraction, but then there's the whole issue of chemistry, spark, compatibility, sustainability, the list goes on for ages. Meeting people is so easy. Falling in love, or at least lust, is easy. Taking the plunge to commit, now that's a whole different ballgame all together.

I suppose this rambling is stemmed from the fact that i'm currently single, dating more like it, and i don't know what i want. One corner is rooting for the whole relationship hooplah but the other is a whole cloud of haze; is it too early, is it the right person, is the feeling even reciprocated in the first place... Gosh you'd think we were still in high school with the kind of things that go on in my head.

But i guess it takes more time (TIME!) to figure out the complicated subtractions, multiplications and divisions in my head. Time which we don't have much of to begin with, but time that i need to take to make clear and calculated decisions that would be life altering.

Can't we just all go back to being children again -__-

Sunday, March 4, 2012


So the trip went on, albeit very last minute and with no planned itinerary. Very good weekend away indeed ;)