Friday, January 30, 2015

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

Hey in the midst of all the "wedding planning" i've been doing, i managed to fly myself to Paris for a last attempt at a solo trip! I must not have been so busy after all, ay? ;P I had three weeks break at the end of the year that was meant for our annual family holiday, but since that was cancelled/postponed to sometime in the unforseeable future, I decided to utilize the leave in the best way possible - go on a holiday anyway! And voila 13 hours later i found myself in 7 degree weather exploring my favorite city via Metro (for the first time) and walking the cobbled streets solo. To be fair, i did pick up a thing or two somewhat wedding related so yes we are considering this a working trip okay! Haha..

Good trip, good time to clear my head and get back on track. Now back in KL and missing this cold, gloomy view. Till we meet again Paree, au revoir!