Sunday, November 30, 2014

Bridal Party!

I'm organizing a small tea party (i call it a tea party because it's at 4pm, but knowing us girls we'll be having the full monty meals ha ha) to announce to my bridal party that they will be involved in my wedding. I don't know whether this is traditionally done or not, but it's more of me officially announcing that we are getting married and this bunch (besides my immediate family) will know exact dates and details of the big day before anyone else. Sooo excited as this will be the first official event that will lead up to the auspicious date :))))))

My guestlist will include

-My Maid of Honour aka sister
-My nine tray bearers for the solemnization
-My four bridesmaids for the reception

Which totals up to 15 people in total including me. Three won't be able to make it (sob sob) because of work / geographical reasons / etc so 12 pax it is. Soooo difficult to get everyone together in one seating so I had to settle with the three absentees. All I hope is full attendance during the wedding, at least! LOL ;) At this tea party, as a surprise for the girls, their outfit designers (or reps, depending) will come and do their measurements straight away! The MOH aka my baby sister will be wearing Innai Red, the bridesmaids will be in Mimpi Kita and the tray bearers will be donning Ezzati Amira KL.

I've booked the venue at (where else) Modesto's in RSGC. I just really like it there because they cater to your every need and they're very flexible too for example in menu, setting up, etc... Thinking of themes and decoration ideas for the small event.. Thinking of lots of floral arrangements and maybe some watercolour flower decor too. So obsessed with watercolor flowers at the moment.. Still thinking of whether I will incorporate them into my official wedding invites or not. Which reminds me I haven't thought of invitation cards yeeeettt.....


Tossing around ideas before bed. Let's see how this pans out.. being DIY and all. Haha!

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Malam Berinai is still one of those things on my maybe, maybe not list. I know for sure i want to have henna on my hands and feet, but definitely not those large scale Bollywood themed nights I always see pictures of. Maybe a small do at the house with a few close female friends and relatives, while we cut up bunga rampai and tie up the doorgift ribbons.. Aaaaa just the thought of it gets me excited!!! Hehe..

Thanks to the countless accounts and "sila visit IG saya sis" posts on Instagram, i was able to narrow my choice of henna artists down to two main selections. I've noticed that since the invent of social media, people don't really update their blogs and websites anymore so most are outdated or simply have links directing us to their Facebooks or Instagrams. Either way, happy camper i am because there are an abundance of photos to choose from and also user testimonials in the form of IG reposts and wall comments. These are the two that i'm thinking about:



I'm not too sure what the going rate are for henna artists these days but i think both are quite reasonable; ChanteeqMulus is charging RM200 for full henna of palms, hands and feet with henna caps for hands and feet, and FaizaHalim is charging RM300 for the same but with one free henna drawing for a relative or friend (usually the maid of honour/sister/best friend). If this package is taken, any additional free hand drawing of henna will be RM10-RM20 per drawing per hand, so any other guests who want to get in on the action can do so too!

At the moment I'm leaning more towards Faiza Halim because all her designs look so intricate and neat, but it's still open season! Have also got to think of whether we would need catered food or just cook ourselves (a bit leceh, takut penat right) and also whether I want to do it one or two nights before the nikah. Apparently the henna sets in darker after a couple of days, so I'd prefer earlier, also I wouldn't want to have a late night right before the nikah lest my eyebags decide to come as an aninvited guest to my solemnization right.... Lots to think of!

P/S: Stuff I've (or more likely, my Momzilla has) done so far:
  • Sort out dates - 1) nikah, 2) reception, 3) bertandang
  • Hire wedding planner
  • Nikah venue
  • Nikah outfit
  • MOH outfit
  • Dulang girls outfit
  • Reception venue
  • Reception outfit
  • MOH outfit
  • Bridesmaids outfit
  • Reception doorgifts
  • Paid deposit for MUA + hair
Banyaaaaaakk lagi nak buat, pelan-pelan kayuh. JUST UNDER FOUR MONTHS TO GO! :)))

Saturday, November 1, 2014